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MC Evolved - Home to Dwarves vs. Zombies | Whitelisted - Fill Form on Discord | Scheduled Games
Have you always wanted to play the classical Dwarves vs. Zombies from 2012? Well, we have opened up a new server just for that! Everything in this game mode is coded from scratch. You must join the Discord and fill out the form in order to play. Once you have filled out the form, you are able to play DvZ at the scheduled times.

Can't make the times? No big deal! Just communicate with monke#6293 so we can schedule a better time.

Why is the server 12 slots? It is 12 slots currently because we don't have a stable player base. Once more players join the server, and we reach all 12 players, we will plan on upgrading the server so we can get 200+ players in one game.

What is DvZ?

Dwarves vs. Zombies is a game mode that was thought of by Rurikar22 aka Rob. Dwarves build a keep to protect their core. There are 5 dwarf classes: Alchemist, Baker, Blacksmith, Builder, and Tailor. Each class is useful for every single dwarf. The dwarfs have two full days to build a keep before a dragon arrives on the second night to cause some chaos. However, sometimes there is an assassin that can kill dwarves before they die. Once the dragon is killed, the last person who killed the dragon gets the dragon warrior class and monsters spawn to attack the keep. Monsters appear by dwarves dying. Monsters win by either killing all of the dwarves, the dwarves have ran out of time, or if they have overran the keep.

What does each dwarf class do?

Here is what each class does.

- Alchemist - An Alchemist crafts potions. It's recommended they set up shop near a blacksmith as they will provide them with redstone needed to make potions. Alchemists can transmute with their books if they have 4 mundane potions. Transmuting will allow them to either get healing potions, speed potions, or strength potions, as well as sand, a milk bucket, and bones.

- Baker - A Baker creates food. They make cakes and cookies to satisfy the dwarves' hunger! Transmuting using bricks can get them cakes, cookies, and more clay.

- Blacksmith - A Blacksmith creates tools. They should settle near tailors as they supply them with gold ore needed to create tools. Blacksmiths can transmute using their book if they have 3 clocks to either get a diamond sword, pickaxe, axe, or shovel. Transmuting also gets them redstone, a bow, arrows, dirt, and coal.
Builder - A Builder is the most common class. Builders are the ones to build a keep to protect fellow dwarves. Transmuting can get them any kind of stone bricks and glowstone dust to light up the keep.

- Tailor - A Tailor provides better armor for the dwarves. Tailors are recommended to set up near alchemists as they provide them with bonemeal. Tailors can transmute with their book if they have at least 10 orange dye. Transmuting can get them a random piece of diamond armor.
We host games every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Times are in the Discord. Make sure to fill out the whitelist form so you can play on the server when we start our games. If you have any further questions, you can comment down below, or simply just join our Discord.
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