Euroco-op hermitcraft-like server 1.16 snapshot |
EUROCO-OP Season 0
Euroco-op is a European Cooparative Semi-Vanilla Hermitcraft-like server.
In Euroco-op the main purpose is creating Europe based friendly server.(Of course you do not need to be an European to join this server.)
Server is currently on latest snapshot of 1.16.
Server has just some Vanilla tweaks datapacks.
Server is also whitelisted so to be able to join you need to
Apply(more information in discord)
To learn more about the server please join our discord:
You can learn about rules and seasons there! Also yes joining discord is importantBecause as the Owner I do not want to run after all the players and tell them theNews or etc. It is easier for me to just send messages to the discord!
Euroco-op is a European Cooparative Semi-Vanilla Hermitcraft-like server.
In Euroco-op the main purpose is creating Europe based friendly server.(Of course you do not need to be an European to join this server.)
Server is currently on latest snapshot of 1.16.
Server has just some Vanilla tweaks datapacks.
Server is also whitelisted so to be able to join you need to
Apply(more information in discord)
To learn more about the server please join our discord:
You can learn about rules and seasons there! Also yes joining discord is importantBecause as the Owner I do not want to run after all the players and tell them theNews or etc. It is easier for me to just send messages to the discord!
Current statistics
Players online 0 / 0
Version Could not get version
Votes 0
Server is currently not online
Players online 0 / 0
Version Could not get version
Votes 0
Server is currently not online
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