Husky Skyblock |
We have no PAY2WIN elements and will never have any.�?¯�?¿�?½?�??�? Husky�?¯�?¿�?½?�??�? Skyblocks current goal is to become the 1 Server to provide their players with the best playing environment yet We will always listen to our community and never use any donations for personal gain and only to improve the server.�?¯�?¿�?½?�??�? Our Staff are considered to be as representative of the server as the Owner is. This means if Staff Members go around scamming we will find out and demote them.�?¯�?¿�?½?�??�? That could lead to Trust issues between that Staff Member and players which is why we have this rule in place.�?¯�?¿�?½?�??�? We also want to have a amazing, awesome community that isnt toxic and is helpful and supportive instead.�?¯�?¿�?½?�??�? Discord: Store:�?¯�?¿�?½?�??�?
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